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您现在的位置:中国泵阀网 >> 东营市恒灿精密铸造有限公司 >> 商铺首页

普通会员  注册日期:2016/11/24  
 公司介绍 更多>>
        dongying hengcan who named hengchang investment casting company ltd before is located in dongying city,shandong province,china.which is very near to china’s important harbor-qingdao port. the company was established in 2010 and have production factory of 30,000 square meters and about 110 workers.hengcan adopts lost wax investment casting process, cnc precision machining and different surface treatment to produe thousands of metal parts with different material,including stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, carbon steel, low alloy steel, high temperature alloys, nickel based alloys and other materials. the product were served in a wide range of fields of aut...
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办公地址: 东营区505号
联系人: 刘依依
邮 编: 257100
电 话: 13561078876   
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公司主页: http://www.precisioncastingchina.com
邮箱: sale@precisioncastingchina.com
腾讯QQ: 暂未添加
地址:东营区505号 邮编:257100 网址:http://www.precisioncastingchina.com
电话:13561078876   传真: