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您现在的位置:中国泵阀网 >> 温州欧诺阀门有限公司 >> 商铺首页

普通会员  注册日期:2009/7/8  
 公司介绍 更多>>
        wenzhou ono import & export co., ltd. was founded during the key period of mechanical valve development. we are located in the hometown of pumps and valves in china. wenzhou ono import & export co., ltd. is made up of ten top valve and machine companies. we mainly operate international trading affairs. our products are 2000 kinds of valves and hundreds of petroleum machinery. furthermore, we can produce various non-standard products if customers request. wenzhou ono import & export co., ltd. has a super technical guidance and quality control engineer team. meantime, we have a group of senior sales specialists who are familiar with international trade. wenzhou ...
 供应信息 更多>>
办公地址: 温州瓯北双塔路华达大厦A座2201
联系人: Ryan
邮 编: 325105
电 话: 86-577-67950098   
传 真: 86-577-67950096
移动电话: 15167717689
公司主页: http://www.chinaono.com
邮箱: ryan@chinaono.com
腾讯QQ: 暂未添加
地址:温州瓯北双塔路华达大厦A座2201 邮编:325105 网址:http://www.chinaono.com
电话:86-577-67950098   传真:86-577-67950096