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您现在的位置:中国泵阀网 >> 玉环县星威阀门厂 >> 商铺首页

普通会员  注册日期:2008/5/12  
其它系列 (1)
 公司介绍 更多>>
        xingwei is a chinese manufacturer professional in producing brass fittings, brass valves,and hardware. it is located in the famous yuhuan county that is entitled “the capital of valve” in china. it possesses a coordinated process of brass forging, brass casting and brass machining and has an enormous potential for developing process and quality control capacity. it has obtained iso:9001:2000 quality managment systems and 100% of our products are exported to europe and other developed countriesour factory can manufacture precision stamped parts in both brass and copper, and has extensive plating and metal-finishing coupled with an ability to produce high-quality parts. ...
 供应信息 更多>>
办公地址: 玉环县楚门直塘工业区
联系人: linda
邮 编: 317600
电 话: 86-576-87447226   
传 真: 86-576-87423636
公司主页: http://shop.zgbfw.com/newfreeshopZHANLIND.html
邮箱: web@xwvalve.com
腾讯QQ: 暂未添加
地址:玉环县楚门直塘工业区 邮编:317600 网址:http://shop.zgbfw.com/newfreeshopZHANLIND.html
电话:86-576-87447226   传真:86-576-87423636