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普通会员  注册日期:2007/10/6  
 公司介绍 更多>>
        anping fengtai hardware mesh co., ltd. is a full service manufacturer and supplier of metal wire, metal wire mesh and wire mesh productions.founded in 1997, we have rich experiences and expertise in wire and wire mesh production and services. we mainly supplies various stainless steel wire mesh, brass wire mesh, galvanized iron wire, annealed wire, wire basket series, etc. our wire mesh products are exported to the usa, german, japan, canada and other countries and regions in the world. 我公司系专业生产金属丝、金属网及深加工产品的专业生产型企业。建于1997年,经多年的顺势发展,现已拥有固定资产100万元,员工30余人,各类技术人员15人,各种生产检测设备50多台(套)的外向型企业。引...
 供应信息 更多>>
办公地址: 安平丝网东街(镇政府对门)丰泰五金网业
联系人: 胡宏宇
邮 编: 053600
电 话: 86-0318-8066086   
传 真: 86-0318-8066086
移动电话: 13784858066
公司主页: http://www.ftwiremesh.com
邮箱: hhyu527@126.com
腾讯QQ: 在线咨询  
地址:安平丝网东街(镇政府对门)丰泰五金网业 邮编:053600 网址:http://www.ftwiremesh.com
电话:86-0318-8066086   传真:86-0318-8066086