程氏(上海)泵业有限公司始创于二十世纪八十年代,是集研发、生产、销售于一体的大型中外合资集团泵业公司,公司在核心产品占据国内领先地位后,不断创新,专业发展,终成为全球泵业生产的知名企业。产品已从中央空调系统水泵配套发展至石油、化工、冶金、矿山、发电、热力、城市建设、污水处理、消防设施、集中采暖、农业排灌等领域。 公司坐落于青浦腾溪开发区,厂区占地面积逾20000m2。公司在全国大中城市均设有分支机构,为广大客户提供售前、售中、售后的专业技术支持与优良的营销服务。拥有完善的质量管理体系,精湛的科研队伍,不断推出泵行业新产品、新技术,产品具有技术含量高、规格齐全质量可靠等优点。 公司具有数十年的水泵制造历史,雄厚的科技人才为企业的飞速发展垫定了坚实的基础,结合发达国家先进的生产工艺,成功开发了具有国际先进水平的离心泵、排污泵、多级泵等等。建立了三级质量保证体系,深受用户好评。公司将国际的品质及国产的价位完美的结合,把用户满意作为一切工作的出发点和落脚点。 面向未来,程氏(上海)泵业有限公司秉承“以人为本”的管理理念,始终坚持“以优质的产品和服务,为客户创造最大价值”的经营原则,以“科技创新、专业发展”为核心,与客户共同发展,实现与客户的双赢,确立了以泵业为核心业务、以相关流体机械为辅业的业务体系,通过兼并扩张、同心多元化发展,全力振兴民族泵业,塑造一个民族品牌,力争进入国际泵业前十强。
Chengshi (Shanghai) Pump Industry Co., Ltd is a large-scale Sino-foreign joint Group Pump Company assembling R&D, manufacturing and sales. With continious technological innovation and professional development,the Company has become the world famous enterprises in area of pump production after the core products of our company occupy the leading postion in China. Our products have developed from pump package for Central Air Condition system to the fields of petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, mining, power generation, heating, urban construction, sewage treatment, fire fighting facilities, central heating, agriculture, irrigation. The company is located in Qingpu Teng River Development Zone, covers an area of more than 20000m2. Our company has branches in large and medium cities in China, providing our customers with technical support and high qulity of marketing services. Because of perfect quality management system, excellent research team, Chengshi has developed new products and new techonogy constiniously. Our products possess high technical content, completed specifications and reliable quality. Combining with advanced technology used in developed countries, Chens’s has several years of pump manufacturing history and abundant talents provided strong foundation for fast development of our company. Chengshi has sucessfully developed centrifugal pump, sewage pump, multistage pump with international advanced level and established a three-level quality assurance system obtaining a good evaluations by our customers. With the perfect combination of international quality and domestic price, Chengshi ?put the coutmer satisfation as the starting poing and ending point . In the future, Cheng will be always adhering to the "people-oriented" management philosophy, the operation principle of "quality of products and services to create maximum value for customers" operating principle. Technological innovation,professional development as the core principle and developing win-win situation with our customers, Chengshi will establish the pump production as our core business, supplemented by relevant fluid machinery industry. Through the merger expansion, concentric diversification, Chengshi will devote to reviving the national pump industry, creating a national brand, and striving to enter the top ten International Pump Industry
主营产品 |
加工销售水泵、水管阀门及配件、电器成套设备、仪器仪表、机械设备、水暖器材等 |
企业性质 |
中外合资 |
经营模式 |
生产型 |
法人代表 |
江轶芬 |
员工人数 |
51 --- 100人 |
注册时间 |
2001/8/8 |
注册资金 |
保密 |
注册地址 |
青浦区华新镇腾溪开发区凤中路251号 |
年营业额 |
1000 --- 5000万元 |